Julie Roehm

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Huffington Post "The Remarkable Rise, Fall and Rise Again Story of The Chief Storyteller"

I had the pleasure of speaking to Karthik Rajan at The Huffington Post recenly. Kartjrik understands the critical importance of storytelling and narratives, not just in business but also in life. Here is an excerpt:

When Julie talked about “mind seeds”, something in me clicked. I involuntarily nodded my head in affirmation. My own experience surfaced back.

Stories do something to all of us, they help us internalize the message at our own pace and we initiate the change on our own volition. There is no power more potent than the grace of self-realization – a delightful celebration of our own evolution at our own pace of comfort, seeded by the stories we hear. The feeling is priceless and everlasting. 

Julie’s own story illuminates us with glimpses of her ah ha feeling -action is fleeting, impact is lasting.The best testament to her ah ha is her own story – in her own words with her unwavering zest for life.

Read the full story here.